Here Comes the Sun!
The length of the days in Skagway vary over the course of the year. The shortest day is December 21, with 6 hours, 2 minutes of daylight; the longest day is June 21, with 18 hours, 40 minutes of daylight.
The earliest sunrise is at 3:42 AM on June 18, and the latest sunrise is 5 hours, 17 minutes later at 8:59 AM on December 27. The earliest sunset is at 2:59 PM on December 14, and the latest sunset is 7 hours, 24 minutes later at 10:23 PM on June 23.
This means you will experience an ample amount of daylight hours during the summer season with plenty of time for outdoor activities!
Anticipation of Precipitation
Did you know that Skagway is located in one of the largest rainforests on Earth? The Tongass National Forest is a temperate rainforest that encompasses the bulk of costal Alaska…and with it comes the rain. It does precipitate quite a bit, but that's no reason not to visit. Often the rain is very light, almost a mist. The majority of tours and activities will still go on as scheduled in the light rain conditions.
What does this all mean for you as a visitor?
Be prepared for the unexpected! A lot of people will tell you to bundle up; others will tell you to wear layers. I'm telling you, as a year round Skagway resident, that you will be fine! If you are on a cruise in the summer, wear a t-shirt as a base layer and a long sleeved outer shirt. Make sure you bring a lined windbreaker, and you will have everything you need! Skip the long underwear and pack your favorite jeans or khakis instead. If you really feel the need to splurge before your trip, buy some waterproof low top hiking shoes. They are versatile and great for walking through the occasional puddle. If you would prefer to dress like a local, you could always wait until you arrive in Alaska and then buy some XTRATUF boots!!